Art Craft Market

(Alfred:) Art Craft Market. Meeting with almost ALL Port Moresby artists! A colourful experience, hard for me to switch to the main stream taste in art here, sweet and kitschy. But after a while, with a second look, Ican recognize some differences. Some with unique styles and contents, poping up in the cloud. The interest in our proposal for a workshop is very big. If they all will come, we have a problem… Walking through downtown POM. What an ugly place, fucked up concrete buildings, mirroring glas palaces, dusty wastelands and gated parking spots. Saturday night, we are cooking at home, tuna and rice.


(Marion:)  We went to the Ela-Beach Arts- and Handycraft Market… still a hangout and gathering location for the expatriate community. The Market takes place at the school there my son got his first education. The former international school declined to a pre-school. The area for the market is bigger now. There are like 30 to 40 artists showing their paintings and many of them know me from before. I enjoyed the real warm hearted welcome back everybody gave to me. We inivited almost everyone to the workshop at the beginning of November… everyone was really keen to get this invitation… we will see who is going to show up.

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