Michel Aniol

Michel Aniol was born in 1983 in Poland. In 1988 he migrated with his family to Germany. Aniol travelled to different non-European countries since the age of 17. After completing his studies in Fine Arts in Berlin in 2013 he is working as an independent artist. His artistic works are shaped by his investigations and experiences on travels and are put on display as spatial installations.


The idea for the project Deutsch 1914/ Papua Niuguini 2014 emerged through expeditions in the World Wide Web by finding ethnographical artefacts and objects from Papua New Guinea at Ebay. In the context of the project the wish of a cultural exchange evolved by sending these purchased artefacts from Ebay back to Papua New Guinea. In addition a painting is made which consists partly of a printed image of the ebay auction. The painting will be taken back with the artefacts to PNG, where it will be exhibited in the National Museum in Port Moresby. In return an artist from PNG should find an remnant of the german colonial times in PNG and make this object the topic of a continuation of the commenced painting. Finally the finished painting and the german object from PNG will be shown in Berlin in 2015.



Michel Aniol – 3 SONY DSC