Maurice de Martin

Born 1969 in Bad Aibling. Living in Berlin, Switzerland and Austria, international working musician, artist, lecturer and (artistic) researchers. Permanent member of the avant-garde ensemble „zeitkratzer“. Former music director at the Schaubühne, Artist in Residence at the UN headquarters NYC, founder of the „Temporary Art Academy Marzahn“. 56 CD / DVD / LP publications, world-wide concert activities, exhibitions, lectures and educational projects in academic and non-academic contexts; Recent work in the focus of art in social precarious contexts, and in productive institutional critique.

Maurice De Martin – 1

„Import-Export / A material exchange“ is a material exchange in the truest sense of the word. Both sides (Berlin / Papua) each create a 25 minute film of a videographic documentation of the everyday environment. Then the two parties exchange their materials „crosswise“ among themselves: The video from Berlin thus receives the audio track from Papua and vice versa.Both project partners are allowed here „manipulate“ the respective material at will. The other side of it remains in ignorance. Only in the final result, namely, when the two works are on two separate monitors with two separate soundtracks (headphones) „merged“, the respective page is how to know the audience what how and why on top of each „other side“ was created. A version for publication on the internet is required if both sides agree.