Moritz R.

Born 1955, since 1975 first works + exhibitions: „Treibhaus“ in Düsseldorf 1981, „Ecole Normale“ in Köln and other with „Gruppe Normal“. New Wave Galley „Art Attack“ 1978 in Wuppertal, Recordlabel „Ata Tak“ 1980 in Düsseldorf and records and concerts with „Der Plan“. 1982 stagedesigns, filmsets and illustrator for TEMPO. Retrospektive „Verschwende Deine Jugend“, „Zurück zum Beton“ „Pop am Rhein“. Since the 90s focus on Exotic Art: „Tiki“. Gestaltung der Cocktailbars „Egon Bar“in München, „Cacao Bar“ in Los Angeles, „Tabou Tiki Room“ 2005 in Berlin. 2009 Exhibition“Embedded Art“ with paintings „Peace Monsters“: „..The five paintings portrait real people, esoteric developers of futuristic weapons, army strategies, psi and psychotronic warfare.“


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